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Job-Hunting? Stand Out With An Optimized LinkedIn Profile!

In an online world where everyone has a social media account (or two, or three) and you have to compete with hundreds of other job-seekers, how do you stand out from the crowd?

Getting a LinkedIn profile is definitely one way to create an online presence, and there’s a lot you can do to make yourself attention-worthy. Here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Include a summary of your experiences. Introduce yourself by providing a brief history of your professional experience in your field. Highlight your achievements and provide a short explanation of your career goals. It would be great if you could also come up with a mission statement like “Committed to the customer and committed to excellence”, for example, which can help in establishing your brand.
  2. Provide links to all your social media accounts and contact information. Make sure you include links to all your accounts on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It makes you more accessible to potential employers and also provides you with channels for promoting yourself. One thing you have to remember, though: Please make sure you clean up your social media presence before you share it with the world.
  3. Use keywords in your content. Even if you’re not familiar with search engine optimization (SEO), you probably still have an idea about how people use search engines to look for certain things. They usually type short phrases such as “real estate agent” or “product manager”. These are keywords, and you need to include them in your content so Google can “find” your LinkedIn profile and display it in search results.
  4. Include multimedia content. Long text posts can turn off followers, so make sure you liven things up with multimedia. Use images, infographics, videos, and audio to enhance your posts and make them more appealing to readers. Doing so can also increase your chances of attracting more followers.
  5. Create or share industry-relevant content. Aside from making attractive posts through the use of multimedia content, you must also make sure that you’re creating or sharing content that offers information relevant to your field of expertise. This can help to establish you as an authority who’s always up-to-date on the most recent industry developments.
  6. Add skills and endorsements. LinkedIn allows you to list your skills in your profile, so be sure to make use of this feature. You should also make it a point to ask your colleagues and clients who have LinkedIn accounts to write up some endorsements for you. These endorsements can show potential employers how you were able to assist others and further establish your professionalism and expertise. Additionally, all of this information will help people find you on the web.
  7. Join and participate in groups. LinkedIn is for expanding your professional network, so don’t just create a profile and leave it at that. Take part in the many discussions happening on the site and join a group of your colleagues. It’s a great way to expand your knowledge and learn about best practices and trends that can help you with your new job.

Once you’ve got your LinkedIn account set up with all these details, take an active part in cultivating your reputation on the site. Be sincere, approachable, and knowledgeable, and don’t forget to have fun, too!